In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Alice Honican, a renowned naturopathic doctor and expert in traditional Chinese medicine.
Dr. Honican has over 20 years of experience in helping patients heal from Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. Growing up in a family that embraced holistic health, she was inspired by her father, one of the first Lyme literate holistic practitioners in the country. Today, she continues his legacy at the Longevity Health Center in Roswell, Georgia.
During our conversation, Dr. Honican shared her journey into the world of natural medicine and how her upbringing influenced her career path.
She explained the principles behind acupuncture, a practice she specializes in, and how it helps balance the body’s energy to promote healing.
According to Dr. Honican, any imbalance in the body is due to an imbalance of energy or “qi,” which can be caused by emotional stress, poor diet, trauma, or genetic issues

One of the most fascinating aspects of our discussion was the concept of bioenergetic testing. Dr. Honican described how this advanced technique can identify underlying causes of symptoms by tapping into the body’s electrical circuits.
This method allows practitioners to pinpoint issues such as toxicity, food sensitivities, or infections, enabling them to provide targeted treatments.
Dr. Honican also emphasized the importance of addressing emotional stress, particularly for women in midlife.
She explained how chronic stress can impact the body’s organs and contribute to various health issues. By managing stress and supporting the body’s pathways of elimination, individuals can improve their overall well-being and navigate midlife transitions more smoothly.
Throughout the episode, Wendy Valentine, our host, shared her personal experiences with Lyme disease, black mold toxicity, and the transformative power of natural therapies.
Her journey of healing through acupuncture and other holistic treatments resonated deeply with Dr. Honican’s insights.
If you’re interested in learning more about how natural therapies can help you live a healthier, more vibrant life, this episode is a must-listen.
Dr. Honican’s expertise and compassionate approach provide valuable guidance for anyone seeking to improve their health through naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine.

Tune in to the full episode to dive deeper into these topics and discover practical tips for enhancing your well-being. Don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation with Dr. Alice Honican.
Listen now and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life.
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Wendy Valentine welcomes Doctor Alice Honakin to Midlife Makeover
Wendy Valentine: Welcome to the Midlife Makeover show. I’m your host, Wendy Valentine. And I am so excited for today’s episode because we have a truly incredible guest joining us, Doctor Alice Honakin. She’s a doctor of naturopathy, traditional chinese medicine, and a licensed acupuncture with 20 acupuncturist with 20 years of experience helping patients heal from Lyme disease and other chronic, chronic illnesses. Growing up in a family that embraced holistic health, Doctor Honakin was inspired by her father, one of the first Lyme literate holistic practitioners in the country.
Dr. Alice Honican: Wow.
Wendy Valentine: Today, Doctor Hanikin is continuing her father’s legacy at Longevity Health center in Roswell, Georgia, where she leads the practice with compassion and a multifaceted approach to healing. Her work is all about treating the whole person, body, mind and spirit. And I can’t wait for you to hear her insights on how natural therapies can help us live healthier, more vibrant lives. So let’s dive into this incredible conversation. Welcome to the show, Doctor Alice.
Dr. Alice Honican: Thank you so much, Wendy. I’m so excited to talk to audience.
Wendy Valentine: Thank you so much for being here.
Dr. Alice Honican: Thank you.
Doctor Anderson’s father started studying natural medicine in the seventies
Wendy Valentine: So, gosh, where do we begin? let’s go back a little bit. How did you, well, I know you were inspired by your dad, but I mean, a lot of us.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah, so I feel like, yeah, a lot of people, I, feel like practitioners get into natural medicine because they themselves got sick. So my story is a little bit different because my father, Doctor Anderson, started studying natural medicine in the seventies. And my parents met at a macrobiotic healing center in 1970 in Boston. And what that means, it’s a way of eating where you eat according to balancing yin and yang in the body. No sugar, no dairy, lots of seaweed and brown rice. And they were really passionate about this way of eating. And so my parents met and then they moved to Georgia and they, we have, seven brothers and sisters, so a big slew of kids. And my mom started teaching macrobiotic cooking classes. My dad had studied acupuncture and so we were kind of a little bit different in the early eighties in south Georgia with this holistic way of living and eating.
Wendy Valentine: Wow, that is fascinating. And I thought that like, I was cutting edge in like, let’s see, like, you know, 2010 or whatever, when I was at the peak of like raising my kids and doing the same thing, you know. So what did you find fascinating about that way of living?
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah. So when we were sick, we didn’t take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. We took herbs and home tinctures and homeopathic remedies. And my dad studied what’s called german new medicine, which is a type of energy testing. So we know our bodies are, comprised of mostly energy, and it’s a way to use technology to tap into the electrical circuits of the body to see what the underlying causes are. So patients would come into the clinic with things like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and he might determine, okay, the liver is toxic due to Epstein Barr virus, let’s say.
Dr. Alice Honican: And the patients would get better taking these homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies are energetic remedies. So I just saw this growing up, and I was fascinated, and I knew that I wanted to follow in his footsteps. So back then, it was kind of tough to get licensing as naturopaths and acupunctures. And my dad fought really hard for that, and so he wanted to make sure that I didn’t have to go through that. So he said, you need to go to acupuncture school and get a license in the state of Georgia and practice medicine with a license. So that’s what I did. So I studied acupuncture out in California in the early, about 2002, thousand. About 2000, I started studying acupuncture.
Wendy Valentine: So, and I’m sure most of us, like, we know what acupuncture is, but tell. Tell everyone a little bit more about it in depth.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah. So acupuncturists, you know, we study, it’s a four year degree, and then since then, I’ve gone back to get the doctorate. So what we study is that any imbalance in the body is due to imbalance of energy or qi, and that could be due to things like emotional stress, toxicity, poor diet, trauma, genetic issues. So let’s say. Let’s talk about emotions. Let’s say someone’s angry, right? So we all get angry, but let’s say you’re angry for year after year after year. Just have chronic unresolved anger that’s going to tighten your liver chi, disrupt your liver chi. You might have symptoms such as headaches or pain in the body. So an acupuncturist might determine the liver is tightened or blocked through the tongue, the pulse through symptoms, and use fine needles to get this energy free flowing in the body. So it’s all about getting the energy into balance, and you can’t see the energy, even though our body, just like you can’t see anger, it’s just there in your body. And so that’s a way to balance the body. So I got my license as an acupuncturist, and I came back to Georgia, and my dad was. I started learning how to do this bioenergetic testing, and patients were coming in so sick, and we started discovering that they had Lyme disease. And back then, we were kind of nervous to use the word lime, because in 2006, 2007, medical doctors believed there was no Lyme in Georgia, that the Lyme was only in the northeast. And so if we.
Wendy Valentine: Yes, I, remember that, too, actually. Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I remember them saying that, too, like, oh, it’s just in Maine or just in Massachusetts, and it’s like, it’s everywhere. Yeah. So, I’m sorry, continue.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah, and there’s some invisible line where the ticks can’t get into anywhere else but New York and Connecticut. And so I really started learning about treating patients with Lyme disease.
Naturopath says toxicity can affect women going through midlife transitions
But really, I believe that this podcast is about women in midlife. I think that toxicity does play a part that we need to investigate, and that’s kind of fun for me, as a naturopath, to say what toxins are blocking the energy in the body and making women not thrive their best going through menpause and other transitions. Yeah.
Wendy Valentine: Because if you think about it, especially, you know, in your forties and fifties, mentally and physically, emotionally and spiritually, there’s a lot going on. Like, there. There’s a big storm going on. I mean, I shared with you, for me, I was but 40, between 40 and 45 years old, I was going through Lyme disease, black mold toxicity, depression, anxiety. Anxiety, and menopause, perimenopause, you name it. Like, I was going through all of it, all at the same time.
Dr. Alice Honican: Wow.
Wendy Valentine: And I also shared with you, I went to see, a chinese medicine acupuncturist. And she. I mean, that really, there was a lot of things that I did for my healing, but that one really helped me, not just physically, but also emotionally. I remember, like, I cried a lot, too. Like, during that, I was like, ah.
Dr. Alice Honican: But it was.
Wendy Valentine: Cause I could feel the energy of it flowing through and out of my body. Sounds crazy, but to you, it probably doesn’t.
Dr. Alice Honican: No. I mean, I feel like acupuncturists were one of the first to really recognize that emotional distress can impact your body’s organs and systems and can contribute to disease. And I think that we’re getting there. Medically, we know that chronic stress, chronic fight or flight, running from that bear, all the time. And so women, you know, we. Multiple childbirths, toxicity maybe putting a lot of toxins on our skin and in our hair and in our diet and processed foods, those start to build up in our tissues. And then along with the emotional stress, maybe having a difficult marriage or a child with special needs or whatever it is that those toxins can accumulate in our tissues, and we need to get them out and really learn about that as we’re going through midlife so that we can thrive and sleep and eat healthy and move our bodies, not be in pain. Yeah.
Wendy Valentine: And you know it, too. Like, you think about the symptoms, like, our body, there’s a reason why we have symptoms. It’s our body trying to tell us something. And. And I am someone that used to be, like, me, so strong, I can handle anything. Like. And I would ignore my symptoms, right? The longest time until my body was screaming at me, which is what had happened to me. And now I know. I’m like, wait a minute. Let’s listen to this headache. Let’s listen to this little ache I have over here. Or let’s listen to my gut telling me something, right? Like, we.
Dr. Alice Honican: I mean, our body has the capacity to heal, and that’s what the, symptoms are telling us. And I kind of give the analogy that the symptom is kind of like the light going on in your car, right? The light’s going on in your car. What is it? You take the car, and you put it in the mechanic, and they scan it through a computer, and they say, oh, okay, it’s the brakes that’s the issue. So when you see a naturopath or an acupuncturist, we’re really trying to assess what’s causing the symptom, and we can use different tools to do that. So one of the tools I like to use is bioenergetic testing, and that’s what my dad learned in Germany, and then he has taught me. And there are other practitioners that do this. Some people call it autonomic response testing or muscle testing. And if you came to see me in person, as a practitioner, or through a remote test and sent in some of your DNA, such as your hair, we could put your sample into the circuit and scan it, just like you’d scan your car at the mechanic. What is causing these symptoms? You might say, well, my symptoms are I have insomnia, and I have bloating and gas all the time. And then we could really assess to see, is that due to toxicity? Is it due to black mold or lime or food sensitivities. And sometimes it can be something really simple, such as a yemenite soy allergy.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah.
Dr. Alice Honican: Sometimes complicated, and it takes more time.
Wendy Valentine: What’s nice about finding the root cause is then you can apply the solutions instead of, going all over the place and doing all sorts of different things. And then you’re just like, in a hamster wheel trying to feel better. Right. Because, like, a lot of times, I think with. With traditional medicine, we’ll do that. Like, oh, take a pill. Here, take a pill for this. Take a pill for that. And you really, really haven’t gotten to the root cause of it.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah. You really want to get to the root cause. And so it’s helpful to see a naturopath who really says, okay, what is the true issue with this person’s symptoms? And a lot of times, as we hit midlife, it is due to chronic emotional stress, and that can affect our adrenal glands. We’re running from that bear all the time, whether it’s work stress or stress with our marriage or friends or kids. And if we’re chronically running from that bear, let’s say you were eating a sandwich, you throw that sucker down, right? So that affects your digestion. So how can we manage that stress? And I think that it’s really important to manage the adrenals, and the adrenals like us to have a hobby, have us to like us, have joy in the world. So I think that that’s important. As we hit nib, like, what do we really enjoy? What can give us joy? And that can really help repair our adrenals.
Energy medicine is about focusing on the energy and how our body keeps score
Wendy Valentine: Yes. I was just thinking of the book. the body keeps the score.
Dr. Alice Honican: Did you read that? I did it. I need to.
Wendy Valentine: Oh, you have no right. When we hang up.
Dr. Alice Honican: Okay, I’m going to order it.
Wendy Valentine: Love it. Because it is a lot about the energy and how our body does keep the score. Like, no matter what it is, if it’s something, you know, trauma or something physical that has happened, like, your body keeps the score on everything. And I. What I find fascinating is that I think I learned this from doctor Joe Dispenza.
Dr. Alice Honican: Ah.
Wendy Valentine: how, you know, I know. I’m telling you stuff you already know, but an atom is 99.999% energy, and then, which leaves only 0.001% matter. But what is so fascinating is that we are usually, as human beings, we’re focusing on the matter. We’re looking at the physical aspect of everything, like the table or the chair I’m sitting on. Right. We’re looking at that teensy tiny 1% or whatever, right?
Dr. Alice Honican: I.
Wendy Valentine: But this is what’s cool about this just occurred to me. What’s cool about energy medicine is that you are focusing on that 99.999, percent, which is the largest part of what we are.
Dr. Alice Honican: So true. And energy medicine is so powerful, too. Another example of energy medicine besides acupuncture is homeopathy. And homeopathy, all that it’s made from a substance is so diluted that all that is, is the energetic imprints of that substance. So, for example, a bee, there’s a remedy called APIs. And you can take a bee and put it in alcohol and water, shake that up, take one drop of that, put it another bottle of alcohol and water, shake that up. Say you did that ten times. There’s no more bee left in that bottle of alcohol and water. There’s just the energetic frequency of that bee. Let’s say you get stung by a bee, you have itching and swelling. You take that remedy and that’ll resolve the symptoms. But it’s a little bit hard to accept that because it’s energy. You can’t see the bee anymore.
Wendy Valentine: I know. Yeah. It’s like you have to have this faith that, like, okay, it’s working. Somewhere underneath all of this, it’s working, right?
Dr. Alice Honican: It’s working. And then, you know, it works. And there are homeopathics, like, you know, kids are little teething tablets that you take, little teething tabs, and that would help their symptoms. And you can, you know, you know that they work, and you can believe that work. But really understanding energy is tough because it’s quantum physics and you can’t, you.
Wendy Valentine: Can’T see it, but then you believe it. When it happens, when you get from it, then you’re like, ah, got it. It works.
Dr. Alice Honican: So what disrupts our energy? You know, we really have to think about toxicity and how we can limit toxins as we approach midlife. You know, what can we do differently when we’re in our twenties? We can get away with that second margarita. We can get away with maybe toxic sunscreens and things like that. And as we get older, we may have to look and to see what. What are we drinking? What’s our, are we drinking tap water? Do we need to filter our water? Is there mold in our house? Do we need a good dehumidifier? What can we do to lower those toxins? And then maybe see someone like a naturopath to find things that you can’t discover on your own.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah, I know. I even think, like, you know, looking, back, I took very good care of myself. And even still, there’s environmental factors that you don’t have control over sometimes, right? Like getting a tick bite or black mold in a house or whatever the case is, there’s things that happen to you or even, I mean, the pesticides that are on our foods and gmo, there’s all sorts of things. So it’s. It’s hard to be 100% all the time, right, in our environment, you know, but. But you do the best you can. But I feel like if you can raise the frequency, the vibration of your body and keep it as high as you possibly can, then you’re able to kind of ward off some of these things that can come in, into, your wellbeing, into your psyche.
Dr. Alice Honican: Absolutely. So, yes, if we can try to eat well and get good sleep, we can handle maybe the COVID virus or the toxin that comes along. But when we’re just overburdened with toxicity, then sometimes the littlest thing can take us down. And so when we’re healthy, maybe someone lives in a college dorm full of mold and it’s no big deal, and then their roommate gets completely sick from it. So we have to think about all of those things. But you’re right, it is impossible to avoid toxins. All we can do is just say, what, how can we do our best each day? And I think one of the most important things is our drinking water. Really good filter on your drinking water is really important. something like reverse osmosis to get rid of the fluoride and the chemicals and the heavy metals and the pesticides and all we can do. And I feel like each day is a new day to do our best. We can go on a vacation and fall off the wagon and. And not, you know, be exposed to pesticides in the hotel room and then get back on track when we get back home.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah. And the body has such an amazing way of repairing itself, and quickly. It’s fascinating.
Naturopath says body can heal if we give it what it needs
I mean, we see, like, yeah, people that have. Have overcome the craziest of diseases, and it’s like, how did that. Yeah. Like, the body can heal.
Dr. Alice Honican: Like, your example, being exposed to Lyme disease and black mold. I mean, those are strong stealth pathogens that wanted to take you out, and then you just worked on it, and then your body said, okay, you were told what was going on and got to get yourself out of that environment of black mold and rid that bacteria. And so I like to be a little investigator for my patients, how can we get them on their best path through menopause and through midlife when then we can live without pain and without disease? Because I don’t think we just catch a disease. I really believe it’s due to a buildup of toxins, you know, maybe something like Alzheimer’s. It could. Due to toxic heavy metals. So how could we limit those? Maybe not cook with aluminum cookware or maybe filter the drinking water, like I said before. And so I think that we don’t want to live in fear and, we want to enjoy our lives and not have to worry constantly about toxins. But there are some steps we could do every day to help the transition better. Yeah.
Wendy Valentine: And plus, too, I mean, even, you know, not keep talking about me, but it does take a while to get through a lot of that stuff. Right. Like, and we do expect, you know, quick results nowadays. You know, everything is like quick fix, and you, you know, you’re on your phone and everything is quick, quick right there. And, not to say that you can’t heal quickly, but you have to be patient, and you have to allow your body a chance to heal. And I think, for me, I had to kind of relax into it, which was difficult. But once I did, I was like, okay, because I was almost stressed, because I was. My body was stressed, which just made it worse. It was this vicious cycle. but it takes time. But it can happen. It can definitely happen.
Dr. Alice Honican: It can take time. And recovering from something like Lyme could take six months, a year, two years, or more. But I think working with the right practitioner and supporting the body’s pathways of elimination, supporting the lymphatic system, I believe it’s possible. And I think it can be tough getting a diagnosis like lyme disease, because then you feel like it’s your whole rest of your life, and it can feel so defeating. So I just love to encourage my patients that your body can heal if we give it what it needs. And the liver has this amazing capacity to regenerate, and we need to give it nutrition. The liver requires nutrition. It requires antioxidants and amino, acids and, protein. So we can. There’s things that we can do that medical doctors don’t talk about. They don’t talk about antioxidants and diet. So we need the medical doctors for the emergencies, but they’re not really going to give the daily lifestyle suggestions that a naturopath might give to help you thrive.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah, I totally agree. It’s funny, I just. Monday’s, show was, Angelo Keeley, with kion. And they have amazing amino acids. And after I learned about amino acids, I’m like, oh, my gosh, I’m taking these every single day. But supplements are amazing. Like, they truly can give your body the boost that, that it needs.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah, I mean, amino acid is the building block for, for recovery and tissue repair. And then we need a, we need that, the amino acids to build our hormones in the body. So, yes, a supplement like collagen or protein powder could really make a difference for patients. And I like to test all of my patients for nutritional deficiencies, amino, acids and things like B vitamins and fatty acids, and not just throw something at them. I really like to treat each patient as an individual. And do you need zinc? Maybe you need it. Not the next person. Because we don’t want to overwhelm our body with too many supplements either. We really want to give it what it needs. And that can change from season to season. You m know, in the summer, your body may need more electrolytes as we’re sweating.
Wendy Valentine: Yes.
Dr. Alice Honican: In the winter, maybe we need more cooked foods and warm foods and, and soups and stews and not so much cold, raw foods, which can be hard on the body.
Wendy Valentine: So, yeah. So how does it work? So if someone contacts you, where do you start with them? is there a certain, like, phase of, of treatments, or how does that work?
There are many tests we can do right there in the office
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah, so somebody lives in Georgia, and we’re north of Atlanta. We’re called longevity health center. There are many tests we can do right there in the office. So one of my favorite tests is called a thermography. So we do a, computer regulation thermography. And what we do is we measure the temperatures of over 100 points on the body, including the breast and liver and kidneys and the colon. And then you undergo through a cold challenge, and then that’ll really let us know about your physiology, and we’ll get this graph and this generated report that’ll say the priorities of treatment is the reason somebody has chronic fatigue syndrome, let’s say, due to lymphatic congestion, Lyme, heavy metals, insulin resistance. And we can determine all of that through this thermography and get the results right then and put someone on a plane. The thermography, generally is something I only recommend about once a year. It’s kind of like our energetic MRI, like, you know, what’s really going on in the body. And then we also do a urinalysis. And then the most important thing we do is called bioenergetic testing. And what you would do in person is you would hold on to this hand brass hand mass and connect your body through a circuit and test through your acupuncture meridians. What are the imbalances? And I can go from a to z. Is it allergies? Is it food sensitivities? Is it toxicity? And it can guide me about what the chief issues are. Sometimes we might want to do more testing and functional medicine, but the bioenergetic testing is amazing. And actually, patients can do this remotely. we do this every day where you could send in your hair sample from wherever you are, Portugal or other countries, and we could read your DNA through your hair and connect that to the electrical service and ask your body, kind of like a lie detector test, what are the imbalances? What can make you feel better? And sometimes we can really get a clue to something we couldn’t guess, maybe a parasite or something like that. And that’s really fun to find out what it is. And I feel like having a little investigator and then telling the patient about it and then saying about how long I think it’ll take, and then really working on the body’s energetic pathways.
Wendy Valentine: Wow. Isn’t it so cool, the advancements that they’ve had just in the last, like, even 20 years, with all of this?
Dr. Alice Honican: It’s really cool. It’s really fun and cool and energy medicines, really powerful. And it’s a really way you can make an energetic homeopathic remedy through this testing that you would take every day just as, like, a message to your body to do what it needs to do to repair itself. So it’s a very gentle, way of healing the body without side effects. The only side effects would be if sometimes as you heal, you may feel a little worse before you get better. That’s called a healing crisis.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah.
Dr. Alice Honican: Herxheimer.
Wendy Valentine: Herxheimer.
Dr. Alice Honican: That’s what it is.
Wendy Valentine: Yeah, I experienced quite a few of.
Dr. Alice Honican: Those, and sometimes it’s your chief complaint, which is really tough. So let’s say someone has eczema, and they’re going through a healing crisis, and the eczema flares up. We got to get through that and support that, and then they can really thrive and get well. And so, yeah, the advancement in technologies has been, has been really neat. To see the system that I use, I can run a test in about ten minutes and really look at thousands of imbalances that would really cost a fortune. When it comes to functional medicine, everything that I can test for, I think a, remote test is about $225. And I’ve done a lot of lab work myself, and the amount of questions that we can ask. Your DNA would, you know, cost $10,000 in different testing. So that’s really neat energy medicine.
Wendy Valentine: You know it, too. It’s like, I think, like, you know, if you’re in a problem, you know, whatever the problem is in life, sometimes it’s hard to see the solution because you’re so close to it. And that’s why it’s so great, like, having a. A practitioner to be able to look at it like you do holistically and go, okay, boom, boom, boom. This is what it is. And so, you know what I mean? Like, sometimes it’s hard. Even if. Even if I was a practitioner, it would be hard for me to know because I’m. I’m so close to it. So.
Dr. Alice Honican: No. Doctors need a doctor. They need their own doctor, somebody else to help you. I believe that. But, yeah, like, I had a new patient who, she came from Arizona, I believe, moved to Georgia a couple years ago. She’s been developing rheumatoid arthritis. And through her assessment, I found that she did have mold toxicity.
Dr. Alice Honican: And I said, you came from a place where you may have never thought of this before. Do you have a basement? Have you had a leak? And I really tried to pinpoint that, and that was the answer. So that was really fun. She never would have known that was what’s causing her arthritic symptoms. She would have been given steroids for the rest of her life or harsh medications. And so I think that we’re on. So that’s kind of fun for me. But also, you know, it can be a lot for the patient. A little overwhelming to find out that you have mold in your house, but.
Wendy Valentine: yes, well, that was me, actually. It’s so funny because I moved from Arizona to Virginia.
Dr. Alice Honican: Okay.
Wendy Valentine: And then moved into a brand new house that happened to have black mold underneath, like the crawl space, which we don’t have crawl spaces in Arizona, you know, not in the desert. So, yeah, that’s an interesting, interesting. And. But I do want to make the point, though. I actually flew to, I saw experts in Florida and then also in Minnesota. So I want to make the point that go where you got to go, like, go see Doctor Honakin because it’s worth it. Like, I actually, both of those doctors that I saw in Minnesota and Florida, I just went a couple of times. Like, I went over, like a couple of days that made all the difference in the world for me. Because you got help.
Dr. Alice Honican: That’s amazing, because who would have thought a brand new house had black mold? Unless, ah, you had seen someone to help identify that for you. And it was just, you know, uncovering that toxic burden that is a hormone disruptor. So many things, you know, and then. And then all of a sudden, you’re going through more symptoms and losing your hair and, you know, a million symptoms.
Mindy Honiken recommends seeking out a naturopath to help with health issues
Wendy Valentine: Yeah, yeah, it’s awful, but, but so glad I’m past it. And it’s, you know, I’m living proof that anyone can move past all sorts of stuff.
Dr. Alice Honican: I love that.
Wendy Valentine: Mentally, emotionally, everything. But, yeah, it. But again, the point is, you know, go where you got to go. Like, if you have to get on a plane and it go see a doctor, then you go do that, because this is your whole life, right? Like I always say, like, your 90 year old self will thank you.
Dr. Alice Honican: Like, ugh.
Wendy Valentine: thank you so much for taking care of me.
Dr. Alice Honican: Now we have to take care of ourselves. I like, we have to drink water. We have to move our bodies. We have to lower our toxic burdens. Like, there’s just as educated, strong women, we just have to. Every day is a new day to do our best, to live our best lives. And it does take some. A little bit of effort. Like, you can’t just sit around and say, why does my back hurt? Well, maybe because I haven’t moved my body today. And, find the practitioner that can help you and just really believe the body has the capacity to heal. And I love that that happened for you and that you’ve got help when you were dealing with that, and now you’re just feeling so great. I’d love to hear that.
Wendy Valentine: Yes, I love it. Thank you so much. This is so great.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah. So, yeah, so, thank you so much for having me. You know, I feel like if someone lives in the Atlanta area, they can see us for their thermography and bioenergetic testing. We have acupuncture and lymphatic therapies and sauna. But if someone does live remote, then check out our website, because I really like to help patients get to the root problems, and we can have them send a sample. I think if, this podcast is so amazing. If you mentioned this podcast, and you call in, we can give you a discount, $25 off your, testing. So we’ll put that link if you’d like.
Wendy Valentine: And you can find, I mean, just those testings alone, like, you can discover so much.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yeah, I really like to look for what organs are stressed. It’s just the adrenals, what we can do about it. You know, can we. Can we manage the adrenals? Our blood sugars, what are the toxins? What are the food sensitivities? And then we can really put ourselves on a program to live our best life so that we can really be there for ourselves and our friends and our family and our children and whoever that we have in our lives. We just have to really be diligent about working hard and really believe that the body has the capacity to heal. And so if anyone’s listening that’s really struggling with their health, I would recommend seeking out a naturopath, because we’re really here to investigate and get to the root cause, not just diagnose a disease and throw some medications at it.
Wendy Valentine: Yep. I agree. I love it. You’re amazing. I’m glad that your parents raised you the way that they did.
Dr. Alice Honican: Yes. I mean, we have passion for what we do, and I’m so thankful to have you on, and I really enjoy your podcast, so thank you so much, Mindy.
Wendy Valentine: Thank you. And how can we find you?
Dr. Alice Honican: You can find and we’re a staff of 20 women, so we really, like, love to work with women, but people of all ages, men and children as well, and they can find us there, and we can get all the info you need for the bioenergetic.
Wendy Valentine: Ah. thank you so much, Dr. Honiken.
Dr. Alice Honican: Okay, thanks, Wendy. Bye.
Wendy Valentine: All right, everyone, have a great day.
Dr. Alice Honican: Thank you. Bye.
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