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Dr. D’Eramo returns to the podcast to share her profound insights into mind-body medicine, a field she not only advocates but has personally experienced the transformative power of. In this episode, Dr. D’Eramo delves into her personal journey of overcoming severe anxiety and an autoimmune disease through self-healing.

As she recounts her experiences, listeners are invited to explore the concept that our thoughts and emotions are not just passive experiences but active participants in shaping our physical reality.

It offers practical tools and techniques to help individuals connect with their bodies and activate their self-healing capabilities. This episode provides a sneak peek into the empowering content of the book, which is designed to help readers not just understand but embody the principles of mind-body medicine.

She explains how surrendering to our current state, rather than resisting it, can lead to profound shifts in our well-being. This approach challenges the conventional mindset of fighting against illness and instead encourages a harmonious relationship with our bodies.

By understanding and applying these principles, we can begin to experience life with greater ease and flow. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the mind-body connection and explore the potential of self-healing.

Tune in to discover how you can become your own healer and transform your life from the inside out. It’s time to awaken your inner power and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.



Grab a copy of Be Your Own Healer


Wendy Valentine: Hey, hey, midlife mavens. Guess who’s back by popular demand. That’s right, our fabulous guest today has graced the midlife makeover show not once, not twice, but three times. She was here for episodes 79 and 194. And now she’s back to brighten our world once more for episode 240. She’s a beacon of light. And every time she’s here, she lights up our lives with her incredible energy and wisdom. Today’s guest is none other than Doctor Kim Doramo, physician, bestselling author of the Mind Body Toolkit, and founder of the American Institute of Mind Body Medicine. After overcoming a severe anxiety disorder and, autoimmune disease through self healing, she’s made it her mission to help people all over the world heal themselves from within. And today she’s here to discuss her new book, be your own healer, launching October 29. That’s just around the corner. I can’t wait for you to hear all the goodness she’s bringing today.

Kim Dorabo welcomes back to Talk House with a special welcome

So let’s dive in and welcome back the wonderful doctor Kim Dorabo.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I love being with you.

Wendy Valentine: I know. We have so much fun. You’re such. I mean, I was telling you earlier, you are a lightworker working your light in the world, leaving a legacy, too. Oh, my gosh. I love it, I love it, I love it. It’s amazing to always have you here. And I can’t get enough of your story.

Washington had an awakening experience when he was 16 about how the body works

So just in case if they did not listen to those other two amazing episodes, tell a little bit about your backstory and what brought you to doing all the amazing work that you do.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: When I was really young, well, you mentioned anxiety. I had a lot of anxiety, but I had had this awakening experience when I was 16 and started, you know, was always really intuitive, but started to really clearly hear things, see things, have knowing, and, really could see. We are creating our reality. Even our thoughts are instantly changing what’s happening in our body, what’s happening in our physiology, and what’s happening in others around us. And so it was like a big download all at once. It was pretty discombobulating. and that really was what triggered a lot of the anxiety, was like the foundation of this world that I had bought into, of we’re just physical and you got to do what you got to do. And, life is happening to me versus I am actually co creating, and I’m connected with everyone everywhere. There is no separation. I am actively creating the moment. We are co creating the moment. It wasn’t like reading it in a book. It wasn’t information. It was an actual experience. And that lasted for a couple days. I had no words and no one to talk to about this. So it really was like, this person is crazy. and I learned pretty quickly, like, you gotta pipe this down, suck it up, figure this out, and someday you’ll find people you can talk to about this. Because hearing people’s thoughts, Washington, people were not going for that. And I realized really quickly what I thought was happening. Like, why are they lying? They’re saying this, but inside they’re really thinking this. They weren’t lying. People were so disconnected from their own inner intention and their own inner thoughts and their own inner world that they were just living completely unconscious. So I learned a lot at that time that not only, like, is everyone really that disconnected and not seeing what I’m seeing, but that it was kind of like, dangerous to try to, like, put that on them or like, hey, I’ve got this insight. When they weren’t actually ready to see, to receive it. Yeah. And know what was happening on a deeper level. So I definitely did sort of fly under the radar. I knew during that download I would be here to be a physician and share this from that platform of, like, from within the system to bring this truth that the body is electromagnetic. We are constantly creating, shifting, changing. Our body is responding to our thoughts, all of it. And I didn’t know how, but I saw the whole thing. This is who you’re here to be. This is what you’re going to do. The path will be opened for you. So as I went forward in life, doors were opened. I somehow made it into medical school very, much excelled in that environment. So, you know, I was just as surprised as anybody. I started teaching my peers right away in first year, and then I was later on a student teacher for the next three years for, you know, anatomy and neuroanatomy and a lot of the other main curriculum. and I went on to do an extra year of fellowship to learn osteopathic medicine, which is more about how the mind and body are connected, how the body heals itself, and learned from some really incredible healers. So a along that journey. Yeah. Massive anxiety. Cause it’s so destabilizing to, like, alone in this universe. What am I, crazy? and then later on during medical school, a major, like, autoimmune disorder. Cause we’re focusing on pathology and disease, and what you focus on expands. So especially as, like, an empathic person, my body was just internalizing this all day, and I got really sick. And, both of those, I had to learn to heal myself. Like, none of the reasons had any real clue about what was actually going on. So getting off the medicines they put me on, that just made me sicker. and sort of really like, wow, I got to really tune into my wisdom here because these resources are not going to do it for me.

Wendy Valentine: So, yeah, it’s like two huge quantum leaps, really. You had the anxiety, and then you had, like, this aha. Moment of being able to see and feel and hear, and then it kind of puts you on this path where you were at going into mind body medicine, and then you experienced your own autoimmune disease, and then, then it even awakened you even more, which is cool. I mean, if you think about it, like, you, we, all of us, right, if something challenging happens to, to us, mental, mentally, physically, spiritually, we have two paths. Like, we can either make the best of it or make the worst of it. We can learn from it. We can grow from it. And then you took that path of like, okay, I’m going to learn from it this. I’m going to grow from it and help other people do the same, which is really cool.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: It’s always so valuable when you go through an experience and you’re willing to really receive it. You always offer other people and make shortcut for them.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah. And you always have to take the full, the full ride through it to really have, the experience of it. Right. And then it helps you to have even more empathy for others. I mean, I know for me, like, just the experiences that I’ve had, which brought me to starting the show is like, I get it. Like, midlife can really suck sometimes, but it can be so freaking amazing when you get to that other side of it. And that’s the key. Right. It’s like just pushing, pushing through it and knowing that you, you, the listener, you, me, like, we can all push through to get to the other side.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Yeah. And, you know, being a receiver is like the most essential component of that because we learned through by, like, bringing the masculine and, like, and getting better and not getting, down. But then you’ll kind of realize sometimes that actually is not going to work and you pass yourself out on that until you realize, like, way. There’s got to be a different way. And then you push through things. Bye. Being a receiver, like, actually trusting, letting go, and you move through things rather than, like, overcome things. It’s a very different way of being. And I think that’s what brings so much resilience, you know, for that life period where you’re like, okay, I’m not going to run on fumes here. Like, we’re done with that. How do I actually bring power into my body to go to my next half or my next two thirds of my life of what is going to fuel that? And so it’s kind of like you’re running on a different kind of fuel.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah, exactly. I think too, like, especially if you’re a fixer, then we get frustrated when we can’t fix ourselves and we try so hard when really, just like you said, it’s the opposite. We think of waving the white flag as a sign of weakness, but it’s actually a sign of strengthen it. Is that just letting go and kind of going into that river of the universe, if you will, just like, of that energy and just, like, let it flow through you. And it’s crazy how easily, not always, but easily, that things will flow through you if you just let go.

Uh, well, writing this second book was, uh, so

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: well, writing this second book was, so we had, like, another iteration of this years back. I was ready to go, and, like, everything kept falling apart. It wasn’t working with the right publisher. The editing was horrible. I’m like, I can’t even read this. So I ended up after, like, two years, scrapping the whole thing, kissing all that goodbye, and just sat and just like, I think it was like another couple years where there was no urgency, there was no drive, there was no, like, I gotta get this out there. I had to go through and, like, release all of that energy behind it. And then when it came to be, it was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Here’s you’re going to work with. Here’s how you’re going to do it. The process was so beautiful and smooth. And then the book was born. It was fun, it was joyful. I actually, because, through that process of writing it and then the process of editing it, it was like the work was working on me in a whole new way. Even though I was author, it was something beyond me that actually created it. And that space beyond helped my healing process. And then that just accelerated over the course of, like, writing, publishing. And now we’re bringing this book out. something in me was shifting and changing. There was great.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah.

Mind and body are connected, meaning your thoughts ignite physiologic responses

What, what exactly is mind body medicine.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: If you can, has the ability to heal itself, meaning self healing, self regulating. Like, if it gets what it needs, it is going to regenerate, it’s going to detoxify, replacement replenish, this has all been shown in decades and decades of science. And then your mind and body are connected, meaning your thoughts ignite physiologic responses. Like, every single thought you have ignites profound physiologic responses. And so when we realize the body is, you know, there’s, like, all kinds of intercommunication systems affecting every single cell, like we’ve had learn in medical school. There’s the nervous system over here, and, the cardiovascular system over here, and here’s your digestive system. And these are all totally separate. And you actually see what gets created when we view it that way, when we hold that perspective, it’s like a multi nightmare. We have this multibillion dollar, extraordinarily expensive system with the sickest cohort of population in known history. So, like, what if these systems are not separate? What if everything is connected, and what is happening in your gut is actually stemming from emotions or what’s happening? Nervous system is actually stemming from, your own negative thoughts or traumas that you’re still carrying. And so when we look at that connection, we really unlock the key for so many medical conundrums, like, impossible medical situations where there’s nothing you can do or the cure is worse than the disease. to. Oh, I don’t even have that disorder anymore.

Wendy Valentine: I know. It’s amazing, the miracles. I don’t know what documentary I was watching recently, and I actually met this one woman, Anita Morajani. Did you ever. I love her story.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Yeah, she’s a prime example of how, like, dead on, death’s door crossed over, stage four cancer. Every doctor was like, there’s no way you’re gonna make it, and literally had a shift in consciousness, and they could not find a single cancer cell in her entire body. And it’s 20 years later, she’s alive and well, but within, like, weeks, she’s, like, dancing at her.

Wendy Valentine: And I know it’s crazy, but stuff like that happens.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: I see it.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah, exactly. And part of her, I think what she was saying in the documentary, if I recall, that part of it was that letting go was the surrendering and going, okay, God, universe, whatever you call it, whatever anybody wants to call it out there, that just take over, heal me, release. Let go. Just do your thing. You know? And it’s fascinating, I think, for me, like, what really shifted my perspective on healing myself and even looking at the world through different. Through different lenses was, ah, learning that we are. We are 99.9999% energy. That was a huge shift for me. Just simply that number, learning that number alone, and that we’re only. .00. I think I got enough zeros, 1% matter. But we concentrate on that teensy tiny matter. That’s all that we think about, because that’s what we can see with the human eye. But we are all energy, and we’re, like, in one big, you know, bowl of soup together. Like, it’s all connected. And it’s like once you really grasp that and you realize that nothing is separate, your skin is not separate. Your mind, your. Your thoughts. Like you said, thoughts are energy. Emotions are energy. and then the other thing, speaking of a huge shift for me, was David Hawkins talking about the emotional frequencies. Yes. I love like, that. That shifted not just my thinking, but my feelings, because I was like, whoa. Each emotion we have has a vibrational frequency. And I get totally makes sense. If you think about when you’re in the dumps and you’re depressed or you’re sad, you are literally vibrating at a very slow frequency. But then when you’re happy and woohoo, everything’s great, wonderful, and you’re in a state of gratitude or love, then you’re vibrating, literally vibrating at a high frequency. And so it’s like once you start to, like, really put all that together, it’s like you can heal your own freaking body. It’s fascinating. Sorry, that was my rant there.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: That, is a huge, ah, foundation of my work is the, Hawkins of consciousness. And how I. And so I put that in the book and kind of put it together, and, like, how do I understand this quantum science? How do I understand vibration? How do I understand this scale of consciousness? What is consciousness? And then how do I. Because a lot of people, they’re trying to, like, climb up that scale or manipulate their conscious, can’t do that. What you can do is, like you mentioned, letting go and being in that more surrendered state, which naturally increases your vibration. And so there’s a tool throughout the book, be your own healer, that guides you in doing exactly that. Like, you start with a very basic form. Practice this gently every day. And then as we go through the book, we just kind of add on little nuggets to that daily exercise. It only takes a few seconds, but you do it, like, several times a day. So there’s like a check in point. Hey, body, here we are. You’re connecting mind and body, but not in a, Oh, my God. What’s wrong with me? God, why am I doing that again? My symptoms are still here. I can’t believe this. Isn’t working, which you had a low vibe to create a harmonic connection with your body.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Throughout the book, where we’re instilling that to develop the circuitry that does increase your frequency and let your body heal.

Wendy Valentine: It’s like compound interest. Like what you were saying, like, what the. It’s like every. Throughout the book, you’re just adding to and adding to it. It’s like.

The first essential thing is you have to receive where you are. So we got to actually enter into what is here now

But I love what you said, though, because I’m sure we all do this, like, if we’re having another s* day or we don’t feel good physically, mentally, emotionally, we beat ourselves up about it, which. What does that do? It just, like, piles on top and it just makes it worse. Instead of no judgment, you’re just, like, doing a check in with yourself. Hey, yo, how you doing? No judgment. If you’re. If you’re sad, you’re happy, it’s. But I think we all, especially, we’re so busy, it’s very easy to kind of lose track of, you know, how you’re doing throughout your day and not your. So, like you said earlier, you’re so disconnected.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: You. You lock into that lower frequency and you just try to make it work there. You just try to function, try to get better at managing that, which is like, it’s never going to work. And that’s why when things fall apart, they’re actually just showing you to let that go. Mm.

Wendy Valentine: Yep.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: So let’s.

Wendy Valentine: Let’s say, for example, let’s say I came to you and I’m like, I’m having a really bad day. nothing’s going right for me. The hairdryer broke, which would be awful for me. You all just a s* day. Like, the milk is spoiled, whatever. And then I’m just in a crappy mood, and I cannot shift out of it. What can I do?

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: So the first essential thing is you have to receive where you are. You can’t change it, you can’t fix it, you can’t get higher. You have to learn. How do I be a better receiver? And most of the people that come to me, it’s not just about hair day. And, like, you know, those light things that can really get you down. It’s like, I have cancer, I’m dying, or I’m told miss, and now I can’t walk. I’m in a wheelchair. or I. A year and a half worth woman was three years in the bed with chronic fatigue syndrome. So there are, like, things that have hijacked someone’s m life in the medical system. You have this label. There’s nothing that can be done. it’s going to get worse. Or even just m people living with inflammatory bowel disease, and they’re like, I can only eat these two foods. So what is actually happening is your body has gone into such a survival level, and there’s so much closure that it can’t function on that operating system, meaning that vibration of what you’re holding onto. And so it’s always about, we have to start where we are. So increasing your awareness of that anxiety or, irritation. Oh, I’m so frustrated. Even I feel so powerless. Wow. I’ve been told nothing can be done. I’ve tried everything. I’ve done everything I know I’ve been a good person. And, I’m still so defeated. So we got to actually enter into what is here now and will move that energy so quickly. And now that you’re willing to feel what’s here now, there’s no resistance. It’s what you resist that persists. But when there’s no resistance. So that’s really thing is, like, all right, I’m having the worst day. And we could do eft tapping. We could use certain kind of breath work to assist that dissolution. But the I’m willing to have the.

Wendy Valentine: Experience I am having, it’s the awareness and the acceptance. Yeah. No matter what you’re going through, it’s just being aware of it and accepting it is what it is. And I think, too, like, I mean, obviously, we’re. We’re human beings built with these emotions. The emotions are necessary. Doesn’t mean those lower frequencies emotions are bad, per se. They’re doing. They’re doing their thing. Sadness does its thing. Like, grief, all of that, right? Like, if someone passes away in your life, of course you should grieve. You wouldn’t. Shouldn’t be, like, skipping through the park, right? Like, I’m happy. Yay. Right? But the key is, I would think, is you don’t want to hang on to those low frequency emotions for so long because that’s when they can really wreck havoc.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: It’s when we suppress the grief, resist the grief. Gonna dig myself into work and making it through, but we don’t actually make space to let the grief come up, to move through grief. So it’s really the resistance to those emotions that has. It’s been shown medically to be lethal. It’s toxic. Resistance to anger. And, like, your liver becomes toxic. You hold, closure to love. You know, there’s fear and protection. You get heart disease. So these have been very well documented in the medical literature, but it’s like we still don’t have learned. How do I move through my emotions? How do I allow them?

Wendy Valentine: Yeah, isn’t it interesting? It’s almost like, I guess back in the nineties especially, it’s like, think positive, positive thinking, which is, okay, great. But then there’s those emotions that are underneath it, like we did. We have not focused enough on 19 of those main emotions that we all experience as human beings. We kind of just ignore them.

Your body is constantly transmitting an electromagnetic signal. And that signal has been shown

Like, oh, wait, what am I feeling? Like sometimes we don’t even know what we’re feeling because we’re so disconnected, it’s.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Inconvenient because we’ve got this agenda. To be positive, be productive, stay on track, because really, that’s how I survive the current I’m in. It’s just that survival mechanism versus. Oh, wait a minute. Let me open. Grief is going to open your heart. Compassion, sorrow is going to open you to more love. Not like, take good with the bad, if that’s not what I’m saying. It’s, usually short lived experience when you truly allow that depth of sadness, despair, grief to move through, because your body knows how to release it. It just needs the opportunity to do that. And then what’s there is your natural state. And now it’s not this trying to be positive stuff. You just. You’re in your natural flow, and there’s a positivity there.

Wendy Valentine: How do you feel that in the healing your own body, how it then helps you to manifest the life that you want?

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: So this is the fascinating thing about the electromagnetic. Your body is a giant transmitter. It is constantly transmitting an electromagnetic signal. And that signal has been shown. It’s picked up eight to 10ft beyond your body and other people’s bodies registered vibe. It will shift their brain function, the thoughts they’re having. It’ll shift their physiology. It also actually changes matter. Right. You see, like, well, my computer’s physical solid structure, it’s not vibing. Yeah, everything has a vibration, and your vibe will actually affect the electric, you know, signals around you. So, like, why my computer is m malfunctioning again? Well, sometimes you got to just, like, release any resistance you’re holding and, like, your life goes more smoothly. Your kids, I mean, like, I’ve learned a lot about this when my daughter and we started. So it’s like, we got to get there on time. And I realized if she had an issue, I could just stop, like, what do you need? And act like, ah, as if we have all the time in the world, and the mind’s like, no, no, no. We got to go. Well, let’s not make that more important. What do you need? And she’d be like, my shoe. So it takes 3 seconds. Give her her shoe. We’re good to go. But if I’m resisting, it’s like a cluster, come on, you know, we gotta go now. You’re not hearing me. And it’s like you’re just creating more chaos. So if I could just be in my own vibe of ease and non attachment, there’s way more flow. And so manifestation happens for me, and this is everything. Like getting a phone somewhere. You’re like, all right, I would really love to have support around blah, blah, blah. So you get in that vibe of receptivity. What if it’s okay for me to just have them call me? Oh, that’d be amazing. Because I don’t have the mind share to, like, figure out how to get in touch, or wouldn’t it be amazing? So the way. And that was in my first book where, like, ten tools you can use anytime, anywhere to activate self healing and manifestation. And these are, like, mind body tools. They’re easy.

So whenever you’re in a conundrum, like, what if

So the what if game. So whenever you’re in a conundrum, like, what if? So you’re asking a question, you know, you’re not answering the question. You’re just asking. Your body is going to reflect the vibe of that question. Oh, what if it were easy? Well, I’d be a lot more relaxed right now. I’d certainly feel more at ease. And you’re actually now transmitting a different vibrational signal that is manifestation.

Wendy Valentine: It’s almost like tuning into the, like the old days of having a radio. What are those? Radio where you can, like, tune into a radio station and remember where, like, you would turn the knob and you’d have that static. I kind of think of that, like, when you do have static, if you will, in your body of sickness and disease and. And the. The. The low frequency emotions, that’s that static. And when you clear that, then you can get that. There it is. There’s the radio station. That’s when you get that straight connection to the universe and everything, just like, you’re. Then it’s more effortless. Everything just flows.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Yes. And that. That’s like a new thing for so many people. You’re like, effortless. My life could be effortless. And then it’s either like, yeah, right, whatever. Let me double down on my survival mechanism. Or it’s like, well, tell me more. Yes, please. And so that. That’s really why I put in the book. Like, the tools is because you can learn a lot of stuff, and you’re just learning more information.

Wendy Valentine: Yes.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: But, like, I’m guiding you through creating new circuitry that you live, that you live that higher vibe and that more easeful way.

Wendy Valentine: I love. I can’t wait to read your book, by the way. And I love that. Yeah, I love that it’s got the tools and techniques, I’ve been saying even for a while now. like, less fluff and more formula, because knowledge is great and all, but, like, how to. Like, I could walk into any barnes and noble. Do we even have those anymore? walk into any barnes and noble. Go to the self help section. I’ve read them all, and they’re all amazing books. They’ve all shifted my life one way or another. Right. But there’s. You also need, like, okay, show me how. How am I supposed to do this? Because, like, when we get to that place, and I’ve been there. You’ve been there where? You’re like, oh, my God, like, help me off the floor. I’m tired of it. Like, I’m sick. I’m tired. Like, help. Tell me what to do. So I love that you provide the tools and techniques. That’s what we need. Right?

I was struggling with this severe autoimmune disorder. Um, I didn’t think I was gonna finish medical school

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: That’s my biggest thing. I was struggling with this severe autoimmune disorder. Told I’d never run again. I didn’t think I was gonna be able to finish medical school, and I had studied this stuff, like, for years, so I was like, what the f is going on? Like, m my mom, you’re connected. But I had to realize, like, I had to have that learning of experience versus book learning, because all the book learning in the world didn’t get me there then. Yeah, the mind body toolkit book. I was like, okay, here’s your how to guide. Yes, your mind and body are connected. Yes, your body heals itself. Here are ten things you can do to activate that anytime, anywhere. Your body is great. It knows how to do this, but how do I allow it to do exactly what I’m intending?

Wendy Valentine: Yes. And then, I mean, as you know, with the neuroplasticity. Yes, you can rewire your brain. I mean, I know. I love, like, once I learned that, I was like, oh, my God. Which is kind of funny that we just now learned that, like, 30 years ago. They’re like, oh, my God. We can actually rewire the brain so you can literally become a new person. It’s fascinating.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Doing it every day. Well, and we can also literally keep becoming the same person. Either way, you’re constantly m recreating yourself. Most people are creating themselves from the existing template.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: So, like, we can upgrade the template and create ourselves from a much higher space, right?

Wendy Valentine: Yeah. If you want a new tomorrow, quit repeating yesterday. But, but words like, I mean, again, we’re human beings. We’re. We are. We are creatures of habit, but we are also creatures of change. But we have to make that. Just like you said earlier, one of my favorite words now is awareness. And, you have to have that awareness of. Go. Okay, wait a second. This is not working. Like, I have got to make some changes with my thinking, with my feelings, with how I take care of my body all. And it’s also freaking possible.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: And, ah, like you said earlier, it’s like that one step that’s the most important thing. You can only access power in the now. And if you’re avoiding the now by trying to improve it or get somewhere in a higher vibe, it’s going to elude you. But if you’re willing to have the courage to enter the now, have the experience you are having, that’s actually the portal to allow that quantum shift.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah. I was just thinking how much I love conversations like this because, even though, like, I love all my guests, all my experts, all my topics, from menopause to divorce to financial issues to creating a new second half of life and traveling, etcetera. But this is the foundation of all of it. All of it. Like, it all comes down to this. Yeah.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: And, you know, when we’re ready, like, that’s when it hits the fan. It’s like, that stuff isn’t working anymore. So life gets you ready, and it usually gets you ready. Like, things you think are the biggest catastrophes.

Wendy Valentine: Yes, I know, I know.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: I just moved through, like, a lot of that perimenopausal stuff, and I was pretty sick. And, like, also my brain wasn’t really functioning the same way. Like, kind of like, people call it mommy brain, and I never really that, but I was like, oh, I know what they’re talking about. Like, it was so sharp to do, like, ten things at once. It was like transitioning back and forth. What am I doing? And I started realizing, this is weird. And it wasn’t until I talked to another doctor and she’s like, oh, yeah, that. That’s a perimenopausal thing, and we can help support your hormone balance. And I’m like, yeah, but what happens, like, those solutions came in after I did what we just mentioned. Like, let me meet what’s actually happening for me. Instead of just escaping it or instead of, like, trying to over it, I finally, like, got more still of, wow, this is not only frustrating, but I feel really powerless that I’m not going to have enough energy or, so I kind of just entered, like, all right, that’s what’s happening here. And so my body diffused a lot of that, and then boom. Like, clarity solutions. I watched this podcast. It was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Oh, here’s all the easy keys for everything that I’ve been struggling with. And the solutions come in when you shift your frequency.

Wendy Valentine: Yes, I know, it’s so cool. It’s so magical.

The key of owning your energy is surrender, not just in relationships

And a little bit about what you were saying earlier when you were talking about your daughter and how, like, okay, let me just kind of relax into this. And, when you learn to, like, you can really own your inner. Like, this is the key of owning your energy, not just in your relationships, but in your finances, obviously, in your health, with your. With your mind, like, when you can really. When you learn that you are in control, that you can control all of this, you can own your energy. You’re like this beautiful ball of energy floating through the universe, and you have control of what frequency that you’re going to be at.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Yeah. And you know that once we let go, like you said with Anita Marjani, there’s a surrender and then the recalibration happens. When I was trying to heal myself with this horrible disease, and it was, like, scary. Yeah, keep trying to heal yourself. I was just doubling down on what, you know, the patterns that made me sick in the first place, like, roll and overcome. And so I was like, it didn’t make sense to me. and I think until we drop in to this, to the body, none of this makes sense, which is why, like, when I do, my group calls with my embracing health program, which is all kinds of people struggling with all kinds of crazy, like, medical conundrums or, like, weird illness, and no one, you know, everybody’s telling me nothing’s wrong with me. we’ve got to drop you into your body. And when I into their body, they’re all so receptive, m like, their body’s intelligence already knows this. I’m not giving them some. Hey, you’ve never, you know, this is a whole new thing. You can’t imagine. Yeah, consciously, they have no idea, like, how could I just heal? But their technology of their body absolutely knows. And so once we get the mind, like in a slower state, a more receptive state, miracles, happen. Truly, truly miracles happen like every single day. But we’ve got to like, let that little bit of receptivity happen first.

Wendy Valentine: Bring in more of that feminine energy like you talked about earlier. Yeah, because. Right. I mean, so we’ll use that masculine energy to try to plow through even getting sick with something. And it’s like, no, just relax into it. It’s okay. I mean, your body knows what it’s doing. It’s going to tell you like it. And unfortunately, we don’t listen to it. We wait until it’s scary screaming at us until we go, okay, fine, I’ll do something about it. But we’ll ignore it, ignore the messages for so long, which for m me.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: I’m still practicing this and receiving greater and greater benefits every day because I still see the pattern of like, I’m going to get through this or like suppression. And it’s like life is just teaching me more and more surrender every single day. And I’m just being a good student, listening.

Wendy Valentine: We’re all works in progress.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Well, we had this like, struggle with my, so my daughter’s now twelve, and we have this little guy and he’s six. And we were really challenged with stuff. Like, he’s very intense. Well, he’s basically just like me. And then his, like, out of control. I’m like, come on. And you don’t talk to your mom like that. But it was like, coming down hard on him was just making it worse. It’s like, we ever punish you enough to make this stop, like, it’s not gonna happen. So, things really came to a head in the last couple weeks and I was. It was really challenging, but I was also like, the best thing that could have happened because one of the, women at his school gave me this awesome resource and she’s like, here’s what you do. And literally, as soon as I started doing it, the whole game changed. Like, he, he immediately responded. And I realized his system just needed like a tweak in how we were. We didn’t have that tweak. Like, we’ve been probably struggling with this in some level for like a couple years, but until it got severe and like, we just really, like, surrendered, the solution didn’t come in. So, you know, people medicate their kids or they do all kinds of very exhausting things. Kings, this was so easy. But, you know, as the student is ready, the teacher appears and, yeah, yeah, yeah, I allowed major shifts for myself with new levels of deep listening for me, and, like, I’m seeing the benefits. My son, huge changes, and, like, my husband is in such a more powerful place. So everyone’s responding to your energy, and usually the women m the electromagnetics of the household, and so you don’t even realize how much power you’re sitting on. You have so much influence everything and everyone in your life, and let that lead to your greatest fulfillment and ease and letting it be from your inner power versus what do women do? Well, let me just take on more. I’m gonna help this one, I’m gonna help that one, and I’m gonna make sure I take care of this. And now you’re exhausted. Yes, exactly.

Wendy Valentine: Exactly. Yeah. Owning your energy. And it’s amazing, though, like, just changing your approach, no matter what it is, whether it’s in your relationships or in your own body, just a slight little difference in the approach can change everything.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Then you let your energy work for you. that’s how my. Within days, after, like, a couple years of struggling, my body healed 100% of that autoimmune disease within days. But it was, you know, all that time of me kind of getting ready to surrender, trying, and then I let my energy work for me.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah, I totally get that. And going back years ago for me, too, with autoimmune disease and black mold toxicity and Lyme disease and divorce and the death of my brother and. Wow. Yeah. I had to get out of my own way. I had to step aside when in talking about just a, major and minor shift, like, literally shifting my. I wave the white flag and shifting my thinking and going, wait a second, I’m gonna. I’m gonna get out of my own way, and I’m going to just allow good things to come into my life now. Like, I. And it’s crazy. And just giving myself permission to heal. I did not give myself permission to heal because I, think, deep down, actually, this is crazy, but. And maybe someone can relate to this, but even though I went, I didn’t know it at the time, I didn’t want to heal. Deep, deep down, I did not want to heal because what does that mean? If I heal, what does wendy have to do? She got to get. Get her a** out in the world and do something. Then. Then I have to really step into my power. And I was just like, the quote, our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. I was more scared of my light than I was of my darkness. So staying in the dark, even though we think, like, that’s super scary, that can actually be comfortable for so many of us, no matter what.

For so many of us, like, we don’t give ourselves permission to do nothing

If it’s a, you know, mentally, physically, emotionally, that can actually be more comforting than stepping into our light.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Well said.

Wendy Valentine: Yeah.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: For so many of us, like, we don’t give ourselves a permission to just let go and do nothing. So then we need that illness to come in or that, whatever to give us the excuse.

Wendy Valentine: I know, yes, it was. Yeah, yeah. And own. And just owning that s*, like, yeah. Like, and I took a while beating myself up about the fact, like, how did I end up here? Why did I allow myself to do, you know, like, enough. Like, it just doesn’t. Let it go. Let it go. Cause it’s just. It’s not worth hanging on to that. Those negative emotions and feelings and the shame and the guilt. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it. I mean, it’s just. Hopefully we all live to be a hundred years old, but a hundred years is a blink of time and eternity. And I. Why not spend those hundred years happy and kicking a?

If I can heal myself, then I shouldn’t have gotten sick in the first place

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: One of the number one reasons, like, when I work with people in my embracing health group, we start the year by looking at, what if you were to heal? Like, where subconsciously, would that not be okay? And one of the biggest things that comes up is, well, if I can heal myself, then I should have done it sooner. If I can, I shouldn’t have gotten sick in the first place. So it’s all this wrongness about the past, and it’s like, I’m not gonna be able to accept that, and so therefore I gotta stay sick. It’s like what you’re doing, so you gotta kind of forgive that you didn’t learn this sooner, that you didn’t do this soon. Did go through an actual experience that was unwanted. Like, we’re all gonna go through unwanted experiences, but ultimately, could it grow you? Yeah, major. And so you might not really reason, like, why did this even happen? You don’t need to know right now, but you do get yourself off the hook that you didn’t know this sooner, that you didn’t do it, so you would have if you knew, and it’s not your fault. So there’s, like, a lot of layer that has to come off first.

Wendy Valentine: I believe everything happens in perfect order, and, I wouldn’t. I actually wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing right now and be where I’m at. If I hadn’t been through all the s*** that I went through, all of it. So I’m grateful for it because I wouldn’t have this wisdom and the knowledge and just like, you, like, your book would not have the tools and techniques if you had not needed to use those tools and techniques. We’re like little guinea pigs.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: I got my b*** kicked, like, so many ways. And it really was just showing me, like, where am I still holding my own powerlessness? Where am I still holding resistance? Where am I still not really setting myself free? It was all to, like, help me release those internal blocks.

Wendy Valentine: So, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Thank you for having me.

Wendy Valentine: I can’t wait.

Your book comes out October 29, on pre order right now

Okay, so it comes, your book comes out October 29, on pre order right now.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: So we’ll include the link that people can go order your order right now, and as soon as it comes out, your copy is on the way to you, as soon as it is hitting the press and you start that, that journey. And it’s not just like the physical, you know, anxiety, depression, pain, illness, fatigue. It’s really about activating that power and stepping into that higher frequency of, like, healer isn’t just about the physical realm. It’s like, actually about healing. These misconceptions you had that have you play small or have you, like, give your energy instead of utilizing source energy for running your life. And so, like, I think it’s had a lot of women be really depleted and a lot less powerful than we could be. So it’s going to really revolutionize things for so many women.

Wendy Valentine: Oh, I love it. And, yeah, reigniting your, your, your spark. And so many of, you know, our spark kind of fades after a while and then you’re like, oh, no, it’s still there. It’s just, it’s might be a little bit flickering, but yeah, you got to.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Run on a different fuel. You’re not going to be able to run on fumes for this next segment of your life. Like, you’re going to have to source energy. It will heal your body. It will literally run your life for you and allow you to be in that grace and ease of receivership.

Wendy Valentine: Oh, I love it. You’re going to heal so many people. I mean, wait a second, they’re going to heal themselves. But.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: This came through me getting my b*** kicked with, I realized for years I was kind of carrying everyone, like, I’ll help you heal. And I realized, like, no, no, actually the gift is, I will show you how to heal yourself. That was the biggest shift that could have happened in it, I don’t think, came in like, the. Like, I wasn’t that receptive to it in the beginning because, I don’t know. I just had my way of doing it, but it was like, no, life’s gonna have that not work out for you. So you finally really begin to. And then it was like, okay, could I really accept? Could I really surrender? Could I really believe my life could be that easy and my work could be that fluid? And the more I said yes, the more a new way of doing everything came in. And then this book was just, boom. Came into.

Wendy Valentine: I’m so proud of you. My gosh. And then you’ll have to come back a fourth time for the next book.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: Which is already in process.

Wendy Valentine: Oh, my gosh. This is so good. Thank you so much. And, yes, we’ll have the link below in the show notes on the blog everywhere so that you can pre order the book. So excited. And then, where else can we find you?

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: My site is doctor Kim dot, and the mind body community in Facebook is where our coaches are standing by that are helping people implement this work and really embody what this really means. Embody your power, because, like I said, there’s a difference between understanding it and actually embodying it. And these coaches are. That it will activate something in you. So, those are two great places. I also have a YouTube channel, Doctor Kim Doramo. We post a new episode of Mind Body TV every week on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. mountain time. So those are the places, people can find me?

Wendy Valentine: Yeah, you can find her. Trust me. She’s all over the place.

Dr. Kim D’ Eramo: We have a great team, a lot of assistance. People really got on, board for what I’m doing, and they really kind of got like, this is very powerful. So I’ve thankfully, a really great team assisting all of this work.

Wendy Valentine: Now, you’ve got a good tribe. Yeah. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Have an awesome day and make sure you get a copy of her book.

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