On today’s episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, you will learn how to drop those annoying diets, gain the love for yourself, uncover your potential, and reveal the true you! Oh, and you receive a special bonus of losing the weight, too! Woo-hoo! 💥
🤓The Latin origin of the word diet is diaita, which means ‘a way of life’. It’s all about how you live and take care of yourself. Unfortunately, diet now means spending a ton of money on unhealthy prepackaged meals and shakes, bawling your eyes out when you step on the scale, stressing about being in a bathing suit 👙 on your dream vacation, and feeling frustrated, hopeless, and full of shame. That is no way to live your life!
Today’s beautiful guest is Camille Martin. Camille is a former chronic dieter who wasted nearly 25 years of her life on a diet. She is author of the book, LOVE TO LOSE: Love Your Life and Watch the Weight Lose Itself! 💕 Enjoy the show! 🥰
❤️ Connect with Camille!
Instagram: @camille_martin_rd
Facebook: /camillemartinrd
LinkedIn: /in/camillemartinrd
Pinterest: @camille_martin_rd
💙 Wanna be a beta tester and try her new Love to Lose app for FREE? Email her at camillemartinrd@gmail.com!
❤️ Thank you to our sponsor!
Visible Genomics is the creator of AMDiGuard, a state-of-the-art DNA test that helps you better understand your risk of macular degeneration. Visit https://www.visiblegenomics.comtoday to grab your test kit! Use code WENDY for $20 off!
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❤️ Ready to start your Midlife Makeover?
Enroll in The Midlife Makeover Method course available on my website at https://wendyvalentine.com under the courses tab! In this fabulous four-week online course, presented by your hostess of the midlife mostess, you will embark on an awesome journey of transformation! Over 4-weeks we will go through 4 phases of seed to flight. You will walk away with a midlife metamorphosis!
❤️ Want $50 off the Midlife Makeover Method?
Of course you do! Go to https://wendyvalentine.com and download the FREE Midlife Makeover Toolkit located on the homepage. Included in your handy dandy toolkit is a $50 voucher for the Midlife Makeover Method course!
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❤️ Contact us: hello@wendyvalentine.com