Hello! Hello! Hello! Welcome back to the show, show, show! Today is Monday, July 24thand for those of you following my RV travels, here’s a little update on my west coast road trip. And for those of you not following my travels, here’s a little update on my west coast trip!
I spent the last week here in Portland, Oregon and I have a pretty crazy story to tell you about my trip to downtown Portland. If you watch the news, then you know that downtown Portland has really gone to crap in the last few years with rioting, gang violence, and drug addicts. It’s unfortunate because it is such a beautiful city with cool buildings, lots of trees, rivers, and Mount Hood in the near distance.
Despite all of the violence, I still wanted to go see it! I thought I’d prove all the statistics wrong, so my boyfriend, our doggy Daisy and I, ventured out to one of the nicest areas of downtown Portland. We were told that Nob Hill and Pearl District were little yuppy villages and we would be safe to go there. Ok cool!
We went to a popular café called Pine State that specializes in bloody marys and these yummy biscuits made with fried chicken and apple butter! O.M.G. Definitely not on my new diet, but hey, when in Rome. Or Portland.
So, here we are sitting outside at this little café, the sun is shining, groovy music playing in the background, Daisy is having fun checking out all the doggies walking by, we are chowing down on our ooey gooey fried chicken biscuits and sipping away at our spicy bloody marys when we see a police car go flying by. Not just flying by, but crazy flying by at like 100 mph down his cute little village street.
I didn’t think much of it, because after living in Chicago for a few years, it’s normal to see police cars driving by fast. After all, it was just one cop car. Well, not really. Here came another cop car and another and another and another. I counted at least 25 cop cars! And then here came 6 ambulances and about 5 of those gigantic armored SWAT vehicles. All of this is happening in about 10 minutes while I’m eating my biscuit and dranking my drank.
At first, I thought these cop cars were driving way far away from where we were eating, but I thought wrong, because when I peeked around the corner, the cops were only 2 blocks away. It gets worse.
I was thinking that maybe it was some major accident or something. I thought wrong again. I searched on my phone to see if any reports came up for the area and come to find out, someone had walked into hospital emergency room and began shooting. So awful. Is that nuts or what?
I could see the cops blocking the streets with caution tape and I thought to myself, well, at least they got the guy. Shewee. I thought wrong again! I read further down on the report and apparently the suspect was on the loose! Right when I read that, this lady came up to me and asked me what happened. I was thinking, oh geez, what if she’s the shooter? You know how the suspects usually return to the crime scene! Needless to say, we got the hell outta dodge and we escaped safely!
I just read the latest news report this morning and they finally found the suspect in a nearby town where he was shot during a standoff, and unfortunately, the hospital security guard was shot and killed, and one other hospital employee was injured. My heart goes out to both of these people and their families. It’s so awful. So everyone, that was my experience with downtown Portland, Oregon! I’m sure it’s not all bad, but we just happened to pick the bad place!
Today we are also getting the hell outta dodge and driving to Coos Bay, Oregon, where we are staying right on the beach at this awesome RV resort and I’m praying that it’s far away from anymore shootings. Shewee! Well folks, that was my travel update! I hope the next one is better!
On a happy note, I have a great episode for you today! I promise! No more bad news, just good news! We are talking about money honey! I absolutely loved interviewing today’s guest because she is just so cool. If you can, watch our interview on YouTube! She’s such a neat lady! And yes, you can watch The Midlife Makeover Show on YouTube! I always upload the audio portion and the video portion. That way, not only will you be able to hear me ramble on, but you can see me ramble on! Plus, you can see my beautiful guests in action! If you go to YouTube, just search for –– you guessed it –– The Midlife Makeover Show! I also upload short video clips and inspirational Reels on YouTube, too. Check it out!
For now, let’s check out today’s guest, Jen Sapel. Jen is a recovering over-achiever who overcompensated financially after living with a mother who struggled financially after divorce. She describes her childhood home as one that pretended tough subjects didn’t exist: rape, death, sex, and of course, money. Her drive to succeed, curiosity, and astonishing ability to problem solve, helped propel her success in financial services winning awards and often being the only woman leader in the room.
She started Utor Wealth after tiring of long-winded meetings and over-emphasis on products and sales quotas. Utor is latin for: to use, to employ, to enjoy. Jen believes that every dollar we touch and how we send it out into the world is shaping both the world we live in and the one we aspire to. Every woman deserves to do it intentionally and with confidence, that is exactly how she helps her clients.
The Nuggets of Midlife Wisdom from today’s show:
- Reframe the meaning of money and refer to money as a resource you need to manage like time, energy, and relationships. There is less emotional baggage attached when you treat money as resource.
- Even before you truly believe it, walk down the path of “I am capable” even when the how isn’t clear.
- You do not get out of this lifetime without making financial mistakes, so don’t be afraid to make them and learn from them.
- The first pillar of financial success is that you have to spend less than what is coming in. Look at what is coming in and what is going out.
- Make sure your financial decisions are honoring your past self, honoring your today self, and honoring your future self. What decisions can you make today that you will be happy with in your future?
- Before you make a change, ask yourself these two questions and rank them on scale of 1-10. 1) How important is this to you? 2) How confident that you can make this change? If you’re not scoring an 8, 9, or 10, ask yourself what do I need to make this score higher?
- Jen’s fave automation hack is to have 100% of your money deposited into a savings account instead of a checking account, and then transfer your monthly spend into your checking account. Genius!
Jen, you are just the coolest! Thank you for being on the show and teaching us so many good things about managing our money honey. Please check out Jen’s website at utorwealth.com and get her step-by-step guide to finding the right financial advisor by going to guide.utorwealth.com. I will leave all the links in the show notes for you as well.
Okay kids, it’s time to pack up the bus and head to the beach! When I chat with you on Thursday, I will plan on having a better travel update for you! Have an extraordinary week everyone!
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