Welcome back to the show everyone and welcome to one of my fave episodes EVER! Ser-i-ous-ly! My conversation with our guest today really inspired me –– not just on a personal level, but a professional level, and especially a spiritual level. Her words moved through me like sparkling spring water flowing through a riverbed. She is powerful, bold, bright, wise, and cool as shit.
I actually listened to the replay of our interview 3 times just to capture the nuggets of midlife wisdom that I feature at the end of every episode. I couldn’t decide what to pick!
It was one mic drop after another!
I did pick my #1 nugget though, and instead of reading it to you at the end of the show, I’m going to read it to you now. I thought of you and all my listeners when she said these words. Her message sums up why I began this show for you, for myself, and anyone else out there needing a reminder of their greatness and their ability to create life on their terms.
Here’s my fave nugget from today’s show:
“How much of your life have you chronically underestimated yourself, your worth, your strength, your ability, and all the times when you said: that’s not for me, I can’t do that, I don’t deserve that.
How much of your life have you spent chronically doing that to the point when it is all you know? It sucks because you get to a point in midlife when you turn around and go holy shit –– I spent decades of my life, time that I will never get back, opportunities that I will never be able to claim again, because I so intensely underestimated myself.
And then you just gotta mourn, because you gotta let yourself feel sad for all the shit that hasn’t happened, because in some way or another, even if it wasn’t your fault, you underestimated who you were. And to know that you are responsible for that in some way.
Then you have to go, Okay, that was the first 3 decades of my life and if I’m lucky I have 2-3 more, so let’s just not do that, and if I don’t do that, at least the second half of my life will be about believing in myself and not taking away from myself.
I’m sure you can understand why that was my #1 nugget. Let me introduce you to the beautiful woman behind those words.
Our gorgeous guest today is Sarah Sapora, an inspirational speaker, Plus Size Personal Growth teacher and author of the brand-new book, Soul Archaeology: A Totally Doable Approach to Creating a Self-Loving and Liberated Life. Her greatest desire is for women of EVERY size to feel empowered to begin the journey of living an authentic and empowered life on THEIR terms. Self-improvement looks different for everybody and every body. It starts from the inside out.
The Nuggets of Midlife Wisdom from today’s show:
- So many of us feel like, is this all my life is ever going to be? My tits have gravity, I don’t look like I used to, and this is it. Or is it? Come to the table of your own self-improvement.
- Midlife is a massive reckoning and an interesting combination of the most beautiful shit and the hardest shit.
- Figure out ways to safely experience the really hard shit. The depth of power of your ability to experience the hard shit is going to be mirrored in how deeply you can feel the beauty of it. We need to feel the shit in order to feel the shine.
- We are not trained to look to ourselves for answers. Everything in society is about buying another solution. Instead, dig deep into your soul and peel off all the layers of shit that you have learned. Do an archeological dig of your soul one layer at a time.
- The sooner you realize that your shit is your shit and it’s gonna be your shit for the rest of your life, you might as well make friends with it and get comfortable with it.
- Start where it hurts and start with what you know does not make you happy.
- Self-love is any thought that you think, any action that you do that helps you connect to your ultimate you.
- Your ultimate you is dependent upon your ability to be self-aware with what you are feeling when you are feeling including pain, and is being committed to following through with self-love based on what you’ve learned when you’ve looked at yourself.
- You are going to be either self-loving or self-abandoning. Choose self-love. Or not.
O.M.G. That was a mic-droppin’ episode! Please, please, please go to sarahsapora.com and get a copy of her new book, Soul Archaeology available on her website, Barnes and Noble, Audible, or any other cool place that sells books. Check out here upcoming retreats, too, or excuse me, her vatreats!
As always, I appreciate you being here! I will chat with you on Monday from Malibu! Have a great day!
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