
The First Step to Creating Your Vibrant Midlife

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Welcome back to the Midlife Makeover Show! Wendy Valentine here and I am so pumped and so excited about today’s episode! Just the title alone excites me! The First Step to your Midlife Makeover. Wait! What? There’s actually steps we can take to makeover our midlife? Yesssss! How cool is that?

Of all the steps though, the first step is the most important step of them all. As a matter of fact, if you skip the first step and try to start at step 5 or step 10 or step 20, you will more than likely trip and fall on your face. And I reeeeally don’t want that to happen to you because that would not be attractive. Don’t fall on your face! Save the face!

Seriously though, I mentioned in my first episode that I created this show just for you, and that is oh-so true! I am going to share the wisdom that I gained throughout my own midlife makeover. Learn from what I have learned! I am saving you a lot of time and energy on your midlife journey. You’re welcome! I am going to do everything I can to provide the tools that you need to make sure that you don’t fall on your face!

But here’s the dealio … I can sit here and run my mouth into my fancy little blue microphone, I can write blog posts, I can create online courses, make inspirational videos for you on social media (even goofy ones!), but I cannot make you take that first step in your midlife makeover. I cannot make you change. Nor can anybody else for that matter. 

What’s the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink?” Something like that. I can provide you with an entire trough of water and I can even carry your ass to that trough of water, but I cannot make you drink it. You are the one that must take that first sip. You are the one that must take that first step. You are the one that must start your midlife makeover. If you want to change your life, then you are the one to make that happen. Period. 

Furthermore, if you want to change your life, you must change yourself. Let me repeat that. If you want to change your life, you must change yourself! If you are not diggin’ on your life right now, then you have got to take a step forward towards changing yourself first. It all starts with you. 

And that leads me into the reveal of the first step to your midlife makeover. Are you ready? This is important, and the most important step along your midlife journey. 

Step #1 is … Change your thoughts.

Yep. That’s it! Change your thoughts! Simple as that.

Change your thoughts and you will change your midlife. And beyond!

Notice how I didn’t say, change your midlife and you will change your thoughts. It doesn’t work that way. Why? Because everything starts with a thought. Thoughts are energy. This is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Not to get super geeky here you guys, but an atom is .00001% matter, which means that leaves 99.99999% energy. Why does it matter? It matters because you are made up of atoms, which means that you are more energy than matter. And why does that matter? I’ll tell ya’ why!

You are a powerful, and I mean powerful, ball of magnetic energy! And what controls that powerful ball of magnetic energy? Your thoughts do. You do! You control your thoughts. Your thoughts control your behaviors, your habits, your actions, your beliefs, your entire world. Thoughts change you, and thoughts change your life. Do you see how that works? Thoughts change you, and thoughts change your life. 

Now, pay attention. This is extremely important. Did you notice how I used the word magnetic? Yes? Good. Magnetic energy. Thoughts become things, which means that whatever you think, you will create in your life. What you have thought in the past is what you have now created in your present moment.

Considering that you are a powerful ball of magnetic energy, it is extremely critical that you are thinking good thoughts. You hold the power! Be careful what you are thinking! If you want to create the best version of you and create a life that brings you joy, love, and gratitude, then you better be thinking thoughts of joy, love, and gratitude. Simple as that!  You can’t create a beautiful, blissful life by thinking yucky thoughts. It’s not gonna happen! 

The most important thoughts are the thoughts you are thinking about yourself! How do you talk to yourself? Do you say negative comments like: You’re not good enough! You can’t do anything right. What makes you think you deserve to be happy? Midlife Makeover? Puh-lease! Don’t even take that first step! You’ll never be able to change.

No. You’ve got to change your stinkin’ thinkin’! Let me tell you something, your mind will either be your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s totally up to you. I want you to create a beautiful life and it starts by making your mind your best friend. It starts by speaking kind words to yourself and cheering yourself on throughout your entire midlife journey. 

And how do we do that? You start by getting quiet and start by being mindful of your thoughts. Just observe and listen to the ticker tape of chatter running across your mind. You will be amazed at what you hear. 

This is very important though … don’t judge your thoughts. Your thoughts are your thoughts, but you have the power to change them. You got the power! Just observe. As you observe, notice the quality of your thoughts. Are they positive, loving thoughts that are supporting you towards living your best life, or are they negative, mean degrading thoughts keeping you stuck in the same life that you are living right now? 

Everything that I am telling you is what made the biggest impact on turning my life around. During my midlife meltdown, I became my own best friend and my own cheerleader. I stopped hating myself and I started loving myself. I stopped the old negative patterns of thinking and I started new positive patterns of thinking. 

I’m going to give you my 3 simple steps towards changing your stinkin’ thinkin’! It’s three steps within your first midlife makeover step!

Do you remember what you were taught back in school of what to do if you are in a fire? Remember? Stop, drop and roll! Yep. Mmm-hmm. It’s the same 3 steps, so this will be easy for you to remember. It goes like this…

When you come across a thought that is not in alignment with who you want to become in your new life and the life that you want to create, follow these 3 simple steps to escape the fire of negativity:

  1. Stop the yucky thought
  2. Drop it like it’s hot
  3. Roll with a yummy thought

Boom! Stop the old negative thought in its tracks, drop it in the garbage, and roll with a new, positive thought! I promise you that when you do this over and over and over again, you will create a new pattern of thinking. Yes, it does take time, but yes it will happen! You will change that ticker tape running across your mind. It will become the best news channel ever! Most importantly, you will change yourself, and you will change your life. It’s a beautiful thing! 

Create happy thoughts and you will create a happy life! I guarantee it! 

Alright my Mighty Midlifers! Are you feeling inspired to take that first step to changing your life? If your answer is NO, then let’s stop, drop and roll THAT thought! Stop the NO, drop it like it’s hot, and roll with a big fat YES! 

YES, I am ready to take that first step! 

YES, I am ready to become my best self! 

YES, I am ready to be happy and healthy and live an amazing life! 


I hope this was helpful for you and I hope that you take my wisdom and it make it your own wisdom. Speaking of wisdom, here are the Nuggets of Midlife Wisdom from today’s show:

  1. You are the one that must take that first step to your midlife makeover.
  2. If you want to change your life, you must change yourself.
  3. The first step to making over your midlife – Change your thoughts!
  4. You are a powerful ball of magnetic energy. Be careful what you think!
  5. If you want to create a life that brings you joy, love, and gratitude, then you better be thinking thoughts of joy, love, and gratitude.
  6. Your mind will either be your best friend or your worst enemy.
  7. Become mindful of your thoughts.
  8. Change your stinkin’ thinkin’ in 3 simple steps. #1 Stop the yucky thought #2 Drop it like it’s hot #3 Roll with a yummy thought
  9. Create happy thoughts and you will create a happy life!

Thank you so much for listening! Make sure you mosey on over to my website at for more helpful midlife tips and get your FREE Midlife Makeover Toolkit! You’ll love it!

Have an awesome day! This powerful ball of crazy, magnetic energy is sending you loving, positive, beautiful thoughts. You feel it? You feel it? Gooood! I will keep them coming your way! The cheerleader in me is rooting for the cheerleader in you! You got this! Talk to you soon!

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