Welcome back to the show and welcome to the last day of July! Can you believe that summer is almost over? This summer has flown by for sure! At least it has for me! It has been a great summer of RVing in the US and I still have more adventures to go. I’m actually about to pack up and head down the 101 along the Oregon coast towards the Redwood Forest in California. I’ve never been to the northern tip of California, so it will be cool to see it.
I’m also excited to do some hiking and get back out into nature. I’ve been cooped up in my RV for the last couple of weeks working on the final tweaks of my book proposal. Actually, I’ve been sitting and working so much at my little dinette that there’s an indent from by butt in the cushion. Seriously!
As a matter of fact, when I reviewed today’s interview, it motivated me to remove my booty from the dinette cushion and get outside and walk. I’m starting a new daily habit of taking more frequent breaks and going for more walks. Even if it’s for just 15 minutes at a time.
So even though I have all these amazing experts with great advice on the show for you guys, I get to benefit as well! It’s like I get a motivational workshop with every guest I interview! Score!
Speaking of awesome guests, I am accepting guest nominations for The Midlife Makeover Show! I’m accepting two types of guests for the podcast:
#1 If you have experienced your own midlife revolution, from breakdown to breakthrough, midlife coma to midlife awakening, tragedy to triumph, I want to hear from you! I want to know how you discovered the next steps in your life, how you found the courage to take those steps, and what you learned along the way.
#2 If you are a guest expert or know of a guest expert – author, podcaster, coach – my audience needs your inspiration, motivation, and tactical methods to help them navigate those challenging obstacles in midlife. And hey –– I need it too!
To nominate yourself or someone else, just go to midlifemakeoverguest.com to apply. I’m almost booked until November, so if you are interested, get in there and apply ASAP.
Also, make sure you sign up for The Midlife News at http://themidlifenews.com to receive insider alerts on new episodes and special offers. I’m in the process of creating a new online course for you guys and this course will be offered to subscribers of The Midlife News at a discounted rate, so giddy up and sign up!
Also, I will start doing exclusive live shows on Instagram soon, so make sure you follow me on Instagram at Wendy Valentine or The Midlife Makeover Show to join the fun!
Now we can move onto your personal motivational workshop with today’s awesome guest, Megan Dahlman. Megan will teach you how to tackle the menobelly, the menopausal belly fat, and how to take care of your body during your 40s, 50s, and 60s, so your 80-year-old self will thank you! With simple daily habits, you will learn how to strengthen and nurture your body, so you can live a life you desire.
In Megan’s 17 years of training professionally, she has become the sought after trainer for women over 40 who want to feel their physical best for years to come. With a degree in Exercise Science and as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), she has an uncanny ability for taking complicated aspects about your body, and making them simple, doable, and actually sustainable.
Through her top 1% rated podcast, Self Care Simplified, and online training programs and courses, she genuinely cares about every woman she interacts with and coaches with a unique attention to detail, grace and patience. Ask any of her clients and they’ll say that Megan isn’t just an outstanding trainer, but she’s a phenomenal coach that truly cares. Megan’s mission is to help every woman – no matter their age – feel strong, pain-free and confident in all aspects of her body.
The Nuggets of Midlife Wisdom from today’s show:
- What you do today will determine your health tomorrow. Think about your 80-year-old self and take care of her.
- In the first 5-7 years after menopause, women will lose up to 20% of their bone mass which makes you more susceptible to osteoporosis.
- It doesn’t have to be difficult to regain your health and well-being. Take baby steps.
- The best way to start with improving your nutrition are the instant wins such as drinking more water, eating slowly, eating your pros: protein and produce.
- The best way to start improving your fitness is to do something familiar such as going for a walk every day. Gradually you can add in some strength training.
- The 4 main reasons for getting a Menobelly, the menopausal belly fat, is lack of sleep, too much stress, lack of exercise, and improper nutrition.
- A great way to deregulate, destress, and even strengthen your core is to practice good deep breathing techniques. Breathe in for 5, hold for a count of 5 and exhale for a count of 8.
- Taking care of your body makes you more effective at life.
Thank you, Megan! You are awesome! You taught us so much today! Check out Megan’s Self Care Simplified Podcast and go to vigeofit.com/tips to get her FREE 5-day guide to jumpstart your healthy habits and check her out on Instagram at Megan Dahlman.
I hope this episode inspired you as much as it did for me. I’m sticking with my new habit of walking every day.
Don’t forget to nominate yourself or someone else as a guest for the podcast at midlifemakeoverguest.com. Thank you for being here today! Have a beautiful week everyone!
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Self Care Simplified podcast: https://www.vigeofit.com/self-care-simplified-podcast
Website: www.vigeofit.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandahlman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strongmommas
Free 5-day jumpstart guide to get your health and fitness back on track: https://go.vigeofit.com/lm/lm-jumpstart-tips
Free 5-day core tune up: https://www.vigeofit.com/lm/ctu/lpv1
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